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Where we work

Costa Rica

Facts about Costa Rica

Population: 4.5 million
Area: 51,100 km.sq.
Climate: Cool to Warm, depending on altitude
Capital: San Jose
Currency: Costa Rican Colón
People: 94% mainly European Descent and Mixed Race, 3% Afro-Colombian, 1% Indigenous, 2% Other Nationalities
Official Language: Spanish
Religion: 92% Christian (15% Evangelical), 8% Other Faiths/None

Geography and climate

Costa Rica boasts richly agricultural land and many volcanoes in its mountain ranges with a largely tropical climate. Two thirds of the population live in the central valley that hosts the capital San Jose.

Politics and economics

Although something of a backwater in the early post colonial period, more recently Costa Rica has been the most stable and prosperous of the Central American republics with a tradition of multi-party democracy, exporting particularly coffee, bananas and textiles.

People and society

Traditionally well ordered but challenged by an immigration level totalling some 40% of the population due to instabilities and civil wars in recent decades in neighbouring Nicaragua and Colombia where integration is a live issue.

Religion and the church

The Roman Catholic church has been substantially influenced by the Charismatic renewal movement. The substantial growth of the evangelical church in the 1970s and 1980s became a concerning loss of members through the back door to the point where unattached ex-members of evangelical church amounted to some six percent of the population by 2000. Costa Rica is the base for a number of Christian organisations working throughout the region.
Student movement links have developed into work among children and others with disabilities. Bible Seminary teaching, English teaching and Christian book publishing are also prominent.

Meet our team in Costa Rica

Mission opportunities in Costa Rica

Openings exist in evangelical theological education institutions, including for a missiology lecturer and theology lecturers, as well as English teachers and in administrative support.

To find out more about mission in Costa Rica, please browse our opportunities or contact us.

Church development

Costa Rica (San José)

Work with children in the following areas: discipleship, songs, games, help with schoolwork, play groups etc.


Costa Rica - digitalmente

Apoyar al equipo de CETI (Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios www.ceticontinental.org ) en el área de comunicaciones. Support the CETI (Community of Interdisciplinary Theological Studies www.ceticontinental.org) team in the area


Costa Rica - digitalmente

Apoyar al equipo CETI (Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios www.ceticontinental.org ) de posgrado en el reclutamiento de nuevo/as estudiantes. Support the CETI (Community of Interdisciplinary Theological Studies www.ceticontinental.org ) postgraduate

Education and Training

Costa Rica - digitalmente

Apoyar el equipo de CETI (Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios www.ceticontinental.org ) en ofrecer materias en sus cursos posgrado.