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Support worker / Trabajadora General
Work with Hogar de Niñas Principe de Paz (Prince of Peace Girls home) with girls who have suffered abuse. Trabajar con el Hogar de Niñas Principe de Paz con chicas quien han sufrido abuso.
Childrens worker / Trabajador con Niños
Work with 'Educación Plus´, running bibles studies, weekly devotionals, sports programs, English classes for children and young people in various marginalized communities. Puedes trabajar con Educación Plus, que ofrece Clubes bíblicos, devocionales, deportes, y clases de ingles para niños y jovenes en varias comunidades marginalizados.
Social Worker, Psychologist, Assistant Administrator/Trabajador(a) Social, Psicologo(a), Asistente del Administrador
Work with Vidas Plenas in the Limonada area of Guatemala City.
Church Planter / Plantador de Iglesias
Work with the evangelical wing of the Anglican church in México, to raise up new congregations and train local leadership
Church Planter / Plantador de Iglesias
Work with the evangelical wing of the Anglican church in México, to raise up new congregations and train local leadership
Language Teacher / Maestra/o de Idiomas
Work with ETAT, a training institution offering courses in applied theology and interdisciplinary studies. Possibilities of offering English, German or French courses, to adults who are enrolled in other courses helping students to integrate theology and spiritual development with all other areas of life.
Theology or Bible Teacher / Profesor de Teologia o Biblia
Work with ETAT, a training institution offering courses in applied theology and interdisciplinary studies helping students to integrate theology and spiritual development with all other areas of life. ETAT is a new and growing institution, and is looking for help in developing and teaching courses at different levels
Church Planter / Plantador de Iglesias
Be part of a outreach team establishing a new church as part of the Redil group of churches in an urban neighbourhood of Medellin, Colombia´s 2nd city. The work would involve street evangelism, home visits, prayer ministry, pastoral support, discipleship groups and more. The work may also involve working with a sister church in a...
Community Project Worker / Voluntario de Comedor
A community project primarily for children and young people although also working with the women and local families in a deprived neighbourhood on the outskirts of the Colombian capital. The project works to serve the poorest families in the local area providing a holistic programme which includes lunch and homework support, social activities, games, sports,...
Worker in Deaf School / Trabajador en Colegio para sordos
This school is specifically designed for deaf children and the education is geared towards helping them learn and engage with wider society. The school is part of a wider Christian project to serve deaf people and their families. This project also includes a Bible translation project into Colombian sign language and a social work project...
Community Project Worker / Voluntario en Fundacion de Niños y jovenes
This project works in an urban area in the central part of Bogota where there is a lot of social problems related to drug use, social deprivation, prostitution and abuse within the family. It is a small project run by a Chritian lady who moved to the community and converted the ground floor of her...
Student Worker / Trabajador con Estudiantes
The project works with some of the main universities in Bogota with groups of students running discipleship programmes. They run bible studies, retreats and training for students and young professionals. You would be involved in the planning and delivery of the discipleship groups plus any university outreach events.