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Bible/ Theology Teachers / Maestros de Teologia y Biblia
Trabajar con una organización que da apoyo a niños y adolescentes que han experimentado migración irregular y/o trata de personas, violencia sexual o explotación. Work with an organisation supporting children and adolescents who have experienced irregular migration and/or human trafficking, sexual violence or exploitation.
Mission Mobiliser / Movilizador(a) de mision
Movilizador(a) de misiones para Latin Link Peru. Mission Mobiliser for Latin Link Peru
Justice worker (IJM) / Trabajador(a) de Justicia (IJM)
Work within the IJM (International Justice Mission) office in La Paz, Bolivia. Puedes trabajar en la oficina de MJI (Misión de Justicia Internacional) en La Paz, Bolivia. das IJM-Büro in La Paz, Bolivien.
Various Publishing roles
Would you like to equip and encourage those who work sharing the Word with the next generations? Join with us in an established Christian publishing ministry. There are a variety of opportunities: Be involved in the writing, production, and sales of our biblical resources for children and teenagers Help develop our social media presence and...
Postgrade professor
Apoyar el equipo de CETI (Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios ) en ofrecer materias en sus cursos posgrado.
Reclutador/a de Posgrado – Recruiter
Apoyar al equipo CETI (Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios ) de posgrado en el reclutamiento de nuevo/as estudiantes. Support the CETI (Community of Interdisciplinary Theological Studies ) postgraduate team in the recruitment of new students.
Various Publishing roles / Varios roles en Publicaciones
Join us to share God's word through Christian publishing. Opportunities in writing, production, sales, social media, communications and developing resources and training. Júntate a compartir la palabra de Dios a travez de ministerio editorial. Hay oportunidades en escribir, producir, ventas, comunicaciones y desarrollo de recursos.

Thomas and Manuela Weber
Thomas and Manuela Weber with Timo, Elina and Leana, are based in Winterthur. As Team Leader, Thomas is responsible for development; he heads up the office team in Winterthur and is Head of People Resources. He is also part of the International Core Team. Manuela is taking over the responsibility for the Swiss sent Stay...

Catharine Turton
Catharine Turton is the Supporter Care Coordinator, looking after all those who pray for or give to Latin Link and its members. She’s involved with the PCC and youth work in her local church and loves spending time with a good boxset or book and a cup of tea (preferably accompanied by a slice of...

Zoé Bailat
Zoé works in the French-speaking part of Switzerland and is involved in the process of selecting Striders. She represents Latin Link in several events taking place in the western part of Switzerland. Zoé is also developing a team that engages in the area of public relations. CHURCH: EEP24 - ÉGLISE PROVENCE 24, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND

Esther Stansfield
Esther Stansfield is Head of Mobilisation and is passionate about inspiring the UK church to engage in global mission. She oversees and supports the Area Co-ordinators in church engagement, facilitating mission mobilising events and developing a national network of volunteers to inspire people to step into the story of God’s big mission. She is married...

Paul and Ruth Turner
Paul and Ruth are based in Lima. Paul is involved in developing Christian leaders in Peru through the Arrow leadership programme. He also works closely with the leaderships of the International School in Arequipa and the Turmanyé (Rainbow) project in Huaraz. Ruth serves on the International Core Team where she coordinates the area of member...