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Emel Ozarikan
Emel is the Finance Officer, responsible for making payments and processing payroll. She lives in Reading with her husband and son.

Jhonny Corado
Jhonny is completing a 12 month Stride placement with St. Barnabas Church, in Winchester in the south of England. He is serving as their youth and community worker, helping with their mid-week groups and outreach into the local community. He is also part of the worship band. CHURCH: IGLESIA EL REDIL, GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA

Ninger Daniel Tovar Febres
Ninger is a Venezuelan who has been resident in Brazil for five years. He lived in Recife for five years where he served with several churches. He now works with Betel Brasileiro church in the city of Custódia, in the interior of Pernambuco, developing his ministerial work with evangelism, discipleship, preaching and teaching, as well...

Suz Rothwell
Suz is working in Recife at the Proyecto Valle/Rama (Valley Project). This is a Christian community based project reaching out to children, teenagers and families. Her main focus is supporting disadvantaged teenage girls physically, mentally and spiritually through various lessons and activities. Suz is marrying fellow Brazil team member, Paul Crothers, in February this year....

Beth Marshall
Beth is on Stride until October 2024, serving at a home for vulnerable children and adolescents in Anápolis. Her main responsibility is to disciple the teenage girls, helping to prepare them for adult life, but she also gives dance lessons and helps the children in their academic development, among other things. CHURCH: MORETON BAPTIST CHURCH,...

Dagmar Lässig
Dagmar started a two year Stride in Recife in June 2023. She has a heart to be part of the restoration journey of those passing through dificult times, using music and language lessons. She works with Cristolândia, a project that seeks the social reintegration of people who use drugs and live in vulnerable and homeless...

Katharina Wend and Michael Friesen
Katharina and Michael will be based in Santa Cruz, for six months. Their time will be split between three ministries. They will both be supporting El Alfarero (The Potter), a student ministry that evangelises, disciples and counsels students; they will be supporting the café ministry. Kati will also be working with Stansberry Children’s Home, while...

Jony and Senovia Marca
Jony and Senovia with Grace and Derek, are based in Cochabamba and are in the process of raising funds with the inten on of joining the Stride programme and becoming mission mobilisers for Latin Link Bolivia. They will be involved in encouraging and equipping local churches to have a greater interest in mission. CHURCH: SAN...

Regina Grabvoski
Regina is entering her second year of Stride in Santa Cruz. She works with Talita Cumi Children’s Home and Ruth’s House. Talita Cumi focuses on showing God’s love to abused and abandoned children. Ruth’s House is a ministry designed to help girls age out of Talita Cumi and enter adult life. Regina is working as...

Tobi Anifalaje
Tobi arrived in late 2023 and will be serving in Oruro until April, 2024. He has a passion for basketball and wants to use his passion to serve with Prison Fellowship Oruro, working with prisoners and young offenders, and Árbol del Ángel (Angel Tree), which is a ministry that works with children with family members...

Daniel Allen
Daniel returned to Bolivia in November 2023 to complete his Stride placement. Daniel will be working alongside a church in Cochabamba named Mayorazgo. He will be working with young adults and youth, whilst also supporting a church plant. CHURCH: STRANDTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH, BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND

Grace Mathers
Grace is a Strider from England who nishes her four month Stride in January 2024. She arrived in September 2023 and works at the Anawin Founda on in Atocha, Salta. Anawin aims to help vulnerable children and young people, together with their families, to develop as people, strengthening their values, with an aim to improve...