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Sadoc and Vivi Chongo
Sadoc and Vivi Chongo along with their children Olivia and Sadoccito, moved from Scotland to Southampton in August 2023. Sadoc now serves as the Children and Youth minister at Holy Saviour, leading all existing groups from babies/toddlers to college-aged students. Vivi is exploring the possibility of joining the kid’s and worship teams. As they settle...

David and Denise Flynn
David and Denise work in an advisory capacity among deaf Christians and church ministries in Britain, Ireland, Bolivia and Latin America. They teach Christian discipleship and run Bible training workshops in both British and Bolivian sign language for deaf and hearing sign-language users. They also lead short-term mission teams to Bolivia to empower the deaf...

Ian and Brenda Darke
Ian and Brenda live in San José. Ian supports the development of biblical and relevant Christian publishing in Latin America. He coordinates the Letra Viva network of Christian publishers in Latin America and works with the CBC (Latin America Bible Commentary), Ediciones PUMA and Certeza UNIDA. Brenda promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities through...

Orlando Castro
Orlando Castro, together with his wife Sally-Anne, is involved in a music ministry to churches in Diss and the surrounding area. He teaches Spanish and ministers to Latin Americans he meets with regularly. CHURCH: ALLURIQUIN BAPTIST CHURCH, ECUADOR

Miriam Hernandez
Miriam works as a teacher and counsellor in the organisation Apoyo (Support) and in a local church in the centre of Cuba. She trains leaders and the wives of church planters to act as multipliers. She leads the Sanando las heridas del corazón (Healing the Wounds of the Heart) training for youth and women. She...

Ian and Juliana Horne
Ian and Juliana with their sons Andreas and Daniel, live in Bogotá. Ian serves with the Mennonite Church in outreach to Venezuelan migrants, and in preaching, as well as supporting initiatives for healthy nutrition and food security. Juliana promotes care for creation amongst churches and church networks, both locally and internationally. CHURCH: GUILDFORD BAPTIST CHURCH,...

Paola Innocente
Paola lives in Bogotá. She works in Hogar Feliz (Happy Home), a programme that accompanies and empowers families with deaf, deaf-blind children and deaf children with multiple disabilities. She mentors deaf teachers who teach sign language to families. She is part of a team that develops and teaches materials for the prevention of abuse to...

Jacqueline (Jax) McCallum
Jacqueline (Jax) McCallum is working with Scripture Union in Northern Ireland as an E3 Schools Worker for East Antrim. CHURCH: ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN CHURCH, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA

Benjamín and Ruth Curín
Benjamín and Ruth with Abigail and Matías, are planting a church in the north of Temuco which is part of the Anglican Church in Chile. Benjamín is in charge of evangelism and pastoring the church through preaching, discipleship and Christian counselling. Ruth is dedicated to preparing and teaching the children’s class at the church and...

Manuel Reaño and Patricia Cuellar de Reaño
Manuel Reaño and Patricia Cuellar de Reaño. Patty is a family therapist and mainly works with leaders and pastors linked to Koinonós. She is married to Manuel who serves with Cristo para la Ciudad (Christ for the City) and directs the Koinonós ministry, dedicated to providing pastoral care for pastors, Christian leaders and their families....

Paul Crothers
Paul Crothers está trabalhando com dois ministérios em Recife: Projeto Vale/Rama e Ministério Valorizando Vidas. Ambos são projetos comunitários cristãos que alcançam crianças, adolescentes e famílias. IGREJA: SLOAN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, LISBURN, NORTHERN IRELAND

Tim e Hannah Flatman
Tim e Hannah Flatman, com Rita e Moisés, servem na igreja Betel Brasileiro em Custódia, Pernambuco. Eles lideram uma igreja plantada em uma comunidade rural quilombola: uma comunidade predominantemente afro-brasileira formada em resistência à escravidão e à opressão racista. Eles também trabalham com os Ngok Dinka em Abyei, Sudão do Sul, ensinando, pregando, oferecendo assistência...