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Contact us

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Please take a look at the FAQs first as you may find the answer to your question there.

You can find contact details of every national team in their country page. Also, you can contact our offices in United Kingdom, Switzerland or the International team, details below:

Latin Link International

Email: international@latinlink.org
Web: latinlink.org
Latin Link International is a charity registered in England no. 237483. Registered Office: 20 Quarry Close, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1DR


Latin Link Scotland

Telephone: +44 (0)1315 547744
Mobile: +44 (0)7763 009597
Email: scotland@latinlink.org.uk

Latin Link Ireland

Telephone: +44 (0)7736 033253
Email: ireland@latinlink.org

Latin Link Switzerland

Schloss-Schürstrasse 12
CH-8409 Winterthur, Switzerland
Tel: +41 52 202 08 84
Email: info@latinlink.ch
Web: latinlink.ch

Latin Link Britain and Ireland

87 London Street,
Reading RG1 4QA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)118 957 7100
Email: info@latinlink.org.uk
Web: latinlink.org.uk

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