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Community Project Worker / Voluntario en Fundacion de Niños y jovenes

This project works in an urban area in the central part of Bogota where there is a lot of social problems related to drug use, social deprivation, prostitution and abuse within the family. It is a small project run by a Chritian lady who moved to the community and converted the ground floor of her house into a community centre, however she works with about 50-60 children and young people giving them lunch each day providing a Christian youth club and holistic activities to help keep the children off the streets and in a safe and learning environment. They also work with groups of the mums who often suffer domestic violence. You would be involved in any and all of the daily activities ranging from helping serve the lunch to reading with the children. This would also include Christian education and praying with the children.

Student Worker / Trabajador con Estudiantes

The project works with some of the main universities in Bogota with groups of students running discipleship programmes. They run bible studies, retreats and training for students and young professionals. You would be involved in the planning and delivery of the discipleship groups plus any university outreach events.

Manuel Reaño and Patricia Cuellar de Reaño

Manuel Reaño and Patricia Cuellar de Reaño

Manuel Reaño and Patricia Cuellar de Reaño. Patty is a family therapist and mainly works with leaders and pastors linked to Koinonós. She is married to Manuel who serves with Cristo para la Ciudad (Christ for the City) and directs the Koinonós ministry, dedicated to...
Paola Innocente

Paola Innocente

Paola lives in Bogotá. She works in Hogar Feliz (Happy Home), a programme that accompanies and empowers families with deaf, deaf-blind children and deaf children with multiple disabilities. She mentors deaf teachers who teach sign language to families. She is part of...