by lladmin | Dec 10, 2021
Puedes trabajar en un proyecto Suizo/Peruano en Iquitos, Peru. Ellos necesitan ayuda en la comercializacion de los productos agrícolas, en la administración del proyecto y evangelización. ( – proyecto ‘mi huerto rural’) * * * * * * * * * * You can work in ‘Mi huerto rural’ (my rural garden), a Swiss- Peruvian project in Iquitos, Peru. They need help in the commercialization of agricultural products, project administration and evangelism. ( – proyecto ‘mi huerto rural’)
by lladmin | Dec 10, 2021
Work with a new project in the village of Puerta Abajo, Zaragoza, to develop children´s activities and educational opportunities. This will involve liaising with the community to identify needs and develop responses which are appropriate to the setting. Could also involve adult literacy programmes and vocational courses for mothers.
by lladmin | Dec 10, 2021
To work with Terra Coco, a new initiative led by Christian leaders, to address ecological issues in Escuintla and the surrounding area.
by lladmin | Dec 10, 2021
To work with Terra Coco, a new initiative led by Christian leaders, to address ecological issues in Escuintla and the surrounding area.
by lladmin | Dec 10, 2021
To work alongside community health projects in rural indigenous areas of Guatemala.
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