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Especialista en Computación / IT specialist

Location Sudán del Sur, Juba

Dar apoyo tecnico a ACROSS y sus empleados, incluyendo dar capacitación, administración de base de datos, redes, y mejorar y mantener el sitio web de ACROSS.

ACROSS es una ONG cristiana y interdenominacional, basada en Juba, en Sudán de Sur. Trabajar para la transformacion integral de las comunidades, a traves de mejorar la educación, servicios de salud, y enfortalecimiento de iglesias.

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Provide technical support to ACROSS and its employees including by providing training, network support, database administration and updating and improving ACROSS’ website.

ACROSS is an interdenominational Christian NGO based in Juba, working for holistic transformation in South Sudan by building communities, improving education, health and livelihoods, and strengthening churches.

Area of work:
Languages needed:
Good level of English/Un buen nivel de Inglés
Skills and Qualification needed:
Fluidez en Ingles escrito y oral, y experiencia relevante. Este oportunidad es abierta para individuales de America Latina. Applicants should be fluent in oral and written English and have a relevant qualification and/or experience. This opportunity is open to individuals from Latin America.

Stride Interest Form

If you would like to register your interest in Stride, or find out more about the programme, please enter your details below (*required fields):