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Postgrade professor

Location Costa Rica - digitalmente

Support the CETI (Community of Interdisciplinary Theological Studies www.ceticontinental.org ) by offering modules in their postgraduate programme. Create and execute together with the students a rigorous and creative educational process around the assigned subject. Develop and teach courses in a period of 3 months.

Area of work:
Education and Training
Languages needed:
Skills and Qualification needed:
Estudios Universitarios en su área de competencia y estudios teológicos formales. Conocimiento de Teología Contextual y/o de metodologías alternativas Experiencia laboral o ministerial en su área de competencia, experiencia educativa (preferentemente en modalidad virtual)

Stride Interest Form

If you would like to register your interest in Stride, or find out more about the programme, please enter your details below (*required fields):