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Revitalizing Christian Workers / Revitalizando a los trabajadores cristianos / Revitalização de Obreiros Cristãos

Location Anápolis (Goiás, Brazil)

Serve with Oasis Ministry whose concern is the member care of missionaries and pastors so that they remain longer and healthier in their ministries. Missionaries without professional medical qualifications can serve in various ways depending on their gifts, including art therapy, music lessons, children’s work and site maintenance.

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Servir con el Ministerio Oasis cuya preocupación es el cuidado de los miembros misioneros y pastores para que permanezcan más tiempo y más saludables en sus ministerios. Los misioneros sin calificaciones médicas profesionales pueden prestar servicio de diversas maneras según sus dones, incluida la terapia artística, las lecciones de música, el trabajo de los niños y el mantenimiento del sitio.

Area of work:
Languages needed:
Portuguese is most useful but there are also opportunities for candidates with Spanish and/or English.
Skills and Qualification needed:

Stride Interest Form

If you would like to register your interest in Stride, or find out more about the programme, please enter your details below (*required fields):