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O que você pode fazer?

A Latin Link tem muitas oportunidades específicas de serviço no Brasil, nos outros países da América Latina e na Europa

Quem está interessado em colocações de equipe com duração de 1 a 4 meses, deve conferir nosso programa de missão de curto prazo: “Step”.

Para quem está considerando uma colocação de 6 meses – 2 anos, ou do longo prazo, as oportunidades abaixo podem dar uma ideia das oportunidades diferentes em que a Latin Link se envolve. Nosso objetivo é adaptar as oportunidades para atender às suas habilidades e dons individuais, portanto as oportunidades abaixo não são uma lista exaustiva. Se você não conseguir encontrar o tipo de trabalho que estaria interessado em fazer abaixo, entre em contato conosco e teremos prazer em ajudá-lo.

Navegue a lista de oportunidades abaixo e clique em qualquer uma que seja de seu interesse para obter mais informações. Alternativamente, você pode usar a opção ‘buscar’.

Caso não encontre o que procura, por favor entre em contato consoco e fale o que gostaria de fazer.

Equipes “Step”

Step provides a practical, short introduction to mission in another culture, working as part of a team alongside a local church community.

Although Step teams go to give, they often say that they receive just as much – if not more – in return. For a few weeks, or a few months, they learn to depend on God in new ways and see him at work in their lives and the lives of others.

Here are a few examples of the sort of things Step teams do:

  • A church team from the north of England went to decorate an old folk’s home in Bolivia:

‘The memories, the love of the Bolivian Christians towards us, and the satisfaction of completing the work will remain with us forever.’

  • For three years running, teams from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland worked a longside Peruvian students to build a community centre in a poor area of Lima:

‘Twenty families live off what they can find from the nearby rubbish dump in the midst of the dust, the filth and a total sense of disorder. But the Peruvian Christian student association, AGEUP, is committed to working with this community.’

It has taken a long time for its members to put their trust in anybody.

God is using both Peruvian and Irish young people to bring hope.

‘Thank God that short term mission is not just about the short term! Even though the Irish university Step Teams are not with these people for long, and our friends from AGEUP don’t live in San Martín, God is using both Peruvian and Irish young people to bring hope to this apparently hopeless community.’
Ruth Turner, Latin Link’s Short Term Mission Co-ordinator in Peru

  • Carolina from Colombia joined a team of young people from Britain and Ireland to help complete a church building project in Bolivia.
  • A team of Swiss and German young people went to Argentina to help a church project provide meals for hungry children.
  • A Cuban team came to share their lives with churches in Northern Ireland.

Sharing the experience with people so different from myself helped me to grow lots. I came back different – more motivated – I’ve been able to do things I hadn’t even imagined.’
Carolina from Colombia

While working on their project, Step Teams enter into the life and evangelism of the local church, bringing their own, unique contribution – music, drama, or putting on special events! Step happens each year, and we welcome applications from individuals age 17 or over, ready-made teams of family or church members, and college or university teams. Whatever the make up of your team, each member will have a different role eg, treasurer, children’s work co-ordinator, domestic co-ordinator, report writer, and you will organise your own team devotions.

To find out more about Step from where you live, go to your national site or contact us.

Build a team

If you’re part of a youth group, Christian Union or church, why not consider putting together a Step team of your own! In forming your own Step team you will not only have a fantastic opportunity to serve God in Latin America but you will also have the chance as a team to let God challenge and develop you in a whole variety of new ways.

We can tailor make a Step team to suit your group. The duration, date of departure, destination, and what you might be involved in, can all be discussed with you beforehand. It is, however, important to remember that primarily you are going to serve the Latin American church. Therefore we will only place you in a country and on a project where there is a need and where suitable links are already established.

We will work alongside you to place you on a project where your gifts and skills can be used most effectively. However, a typical Step project  will involve at least some of the following:

  • a basic practical project
  • sports evangelism
  • street evangelism
  • living in a local community
  • serving the local church
  • drama, arts and crafts
  • children’s work
  • youth ministry

Find out what a previous ready made team made of their experience

Latin Link will provide:

  • pre-trip information day at your venue
  • weekend orientation before departure
  • country specific training and materials
  • food and accommodation
  • health clearance and medical advice
  • comprehensive insurance cover
  • project setup and supervision
  • weekend residential debrief on return
  • help booking return flights and all in country travel
  • on-going support


Start the process

One of the best ways to begin the process of forming your own team is to contact us by phone on 0118 957 7114 or email on step@latinlink.org.uk.

We will then discuss with you the various options and the things you will need to consider when putting your own team together.

If you have any more questions about Step, please visit our FAQs.

Colocações individuais “Stride”

O programa Stride é para pessoas com um desejo para colocar a sua fé cristão em prática numa cultura diferente.

Com a Latin Link, os indivíduos, casais ou famílias podem passar de seis meses a dois anos trabalhando com uma igreja ou projeto dirigido por cristãos em um país latino-americano ou europeu.

O programa Stride oferece a oportunidade de usar e desenvolver as suas habilidades e crescer em seu relacionamento com Deus. Pode ser algo que você faz durante um ano sabático, uma pausa na sua carreira ou até na aposentadoria.

Stay é o programa para pessoas que gostariam de servir na América Latina ou na Europa a longo prazo. Stride é o ponto de entrada para o programa do longo prazo. Venha aprender o idioma, encontre o seu lugar e faça parte da equipe da Latin Link.

Aqui tem alguns exemplos de que as pessoas tem feito no programa Stride:

  • Noelia da Argentina foi trabalhar por um ano em um café internacional, um ministério de uma igreja na Inglaterra
  • Gisele foi de São Paulo no Brasil para trabalhar em um contexto muito diferente no Brasil, uma comunidade quilombola no sertão de Pernambuco
  • Gabriel da Colômbia foi à Bolívia por um ano para trabalhar com comunidades quíchuas e discipular o alunos de universidade
  • Chris da Inglaterra passou um ano com um projeto ajudando prisioneiros na Bolívia
  • Fiona da Escócia foi para a Colômbia por dois anos, ensinando inglês em um seminário bíblico


“Acreditamos que o coração de Deus anseia para alcançar aqueles que vivem em extrema pobreza, para trazer cura e restauração. Nosso privilégio e responsabilidade é comunicar nosso amor a Deus tanto em palavras quanto em ações.”

Stride também oferece oportunidades para eletivos de medicina, engenharia ou faculdades bíblicas, bem como um estagio para estudantes de idiomas estuando para o bacharel.

Algumas pessoas fazem Stride já com o objetivo de fazer missoes do longo prazo; outros descobrem que eles desenvolvem um amor por um país ou um povo inesperadamente e que Deus lhes dá uma visão para o futuro.

“Deus me desafiou enquanto eu estudava teologia. Eu estava lendo muito sobre a missão integral e vi que as muitas necessidades deste continente são oportunidades para estender o reino de Deus. Eu estava pensando em estudar mais, mas Deus me disse que eu precisava entender melhor o mundo antes disso. Fui encorajada a fazer uma colocação Stride e me apaixonei pela Bolívia – seu povo, sua cultura e sua desigualdade conquistaram meu coração. Agora sei que quero dedicar o resto da minha vida a servir as pessoas necessitadas na América Latina que tanto amo.”

Stay placements

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We look forward to working with you in fulfilling God’s call on your life and his sending of you into mission through becoming part of the community that is Latin Link.

Please browse the opportunities currently registered. The list of possibilities is constantly developing, and is compiled in response to the needs of churches and communities, mainly in Latin America, where we have contacts. This list is not exclusive, and there are many other areas where particular help or skills are required. Maybe you know which country you’d like to work in, or the type of placement that your gifts and skills move you towards?

See if you can see yourself filling one of the roles advertised. Even if your dream role is not quite, or not at all there, please get in touch anyway. We would love to chat to you and see if we can find the corresponding fit through our networks and partners. Your sense of calling into the community of Latin Link can be tested by putting your ideas to us, and seeing what becomes available.

It should be noted that some opportunities advertised ideally require a longer term commitment than two years. These roles may be taken up after the satisfactory completion of a two-year Stride placement.

We look forward to working with you in fulfilling God’s call on your life and his sending of you into mission through becoming part of the community that is Latin Link.

Latin Link operates on a support-raised basis with all its members. For any of the given opportunities, you would normally be required to raise or secure your own financial support.

Application process

A good way to start is by browsing our current opportunities. If you see something you like, register your interest and download an application form. If you are unsure about what you might like to do, contact your national team. In either case, a member of the Latin Link team in the country where you live will contact you to talk about your ideas. Your application may be followed up with interviews, taking up of references and further details.

Many people undertake a period of study at a mission training college to discover more about cross-cultural mission and to prepare for their particular field of interest. During your preparation time, you will raise the financial and prayer support necessary.

If Latin Link does not have an office or team in your home country, you may need to find a sending mission agency where you live. You could still join the Latin Link team in your country of service.

So take a deep breath, pray, and exercise your faith to see how you might start the great adventure that is before you.

Browse current opportunities

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, or would just like to find out more about doing Stride from where you live, please go to your national site (immediately below) or contact us via the form at the bottom of the page (below the national sites map).