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Evangelism and Discipleship in a Church Plant Evangelismo y Discipulado en una plantacion de iglesia

Location Bolivia (Potosi)

Work in Zona Mecanica in Potosi, helping the church there to reach the neighborhood. You can be involved in discipleship, door-to-door evangelism and in the running of the church. Spend time with the people from Zona Mecanica, listen to them, start to understand their daily struggles and show them how Jesus can make all the difference in their lives.

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Puedes trabajar en Zona Mecanica en Potosi, ayunando a la iglesia ahí en alcanzar al barrio. Puedes involucrarte en discipulado, puerta-a-pueta evangelismo y el programa de la iglesia. Comparta con las personas de Zona Mecanica, escuchalos, empieza a entender sus desafíos diarios y muestralos que Jesus puede ser la diferencia en sus vidas.

Area of work:
Languages needed:
Skills and Qualification needed:

Stride Interest Form

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