Work with Hogar de Niñas Principe de Paz (Prince of Peace Girls home) with girls who have suffered abuse. You could contribute to the general smooth running of the project, by offering vocational training workshops (sewing, baking, cooking), teaching English, IT, music, sports, and general discipleship and support for the girls. Qualified Social workers or Psychologists would also be welcome.
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Trabajar con el Hogar de Niñas Principe de Paz con chicas quien han sufrido abuso. Podrias colaborar en el buen manejo del proyecto con talleres vocacionales (coser, cocinar, pasteleria etc), enseñar ingles, computación, musica, deportes y en discipulado y apoyo general para las chicas. Tambien buscan Trabajadores Sociales y Psycologas con experiencia.