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Joel Gonzalez and Mayra Gomez de Gonzalez

Joel Gonzalez and Mayra Gomez de Gonzalez with son Joel Fernando, will focus on the editing of teaching booklets and books written by Joel in previous years; the preparation of two new courses (Mission and Discipleship) and the transmission of vision and mission for the Mexican leadership in Mexico, especially in Puebla. The church planting...

Pipe and Abi Figueroa

Pipe and Abi with their daughters Chloe and Gabriela, moved from Bogotá to the United Kingdom in January 2021. They are serving as leaders to develop a youth ministry in Christ Church Barnet, a church in North London, which includes outreach and discipling teens through midweek clubs and youth groups. CHURCH: LA CASA, BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA

Sharon Jones

Sharon coordinates the Buena Tierra (Good Soil) ministry. She is involved in creating and publishing biblical teaching materials for children and teenagers. Buena Tierra also has a variety of training courses for those involved in children’s ministry, which Sharon and a team of Peruvians deliver. CHURCH: GREAT ASHBY COMMUNITY CHURCH, STEVENAGE, ENGLAND; LADYGROVE CHURCH, DIDCOT,...

Maddie Buchanan

Maddie is the Coordinator for Short Term Programmes and Mobilisation for the Guatemala team. She is responsible for the receiving of new members in country, as well as overseeing their care whilst in the country. She also oversees the sending of Guatemalan members to serve overseas and within Guatemala itself. With the team’s volunteer members,...

Rose Wade

Rose lives in Guatemala City where she serves through youth work leadership, mentoring and discipleship, supporting locals in their ministry to young people through Juventud para Cristo (Youth for Christ), Guatemala. She is also involved in her local church and serves on the Latin Link Guatemala Mexico leadership team as Member Care Coordinator. CHURCH: FIRST...

Geoff Baines and Cesia Pascual

Geoff and Cesia together with their daughter Sofía (2 years old), live in Guatemala City. Geoff serves in the Central American Theological Seminary, teaching Hebrew, Old Testament and integral mission to pastors and young people. Geoff is also the Team Leader of the Guatemala-Mexico team. Cesia serves among women prisoners with her team Corazones Conectados...

Kate and Jacob Moreno

Kate and Jacobo are long term members and live in San Lucas Sacatepéquez. Kate is a social worker with a focus on safeguarding and trauma-informed care. She promotes best practice through training and policies to transform the care and protection provided in children’s homes, community projects and churches. Jacobo serves at Galilea Church with young...

Suzanne Potter

Suzanne as International Team Leader, is based in Guatemala City, Guatemala, from where she provides visionary direction for the Latin Link community and supports our different country teams, and new initiatives as we respond to the changing face of missions. She is a member of the Guatemala México team and is involved in local mission...

Maribel Beyuma Chao

Maribel Beyuma Chao is returning to serve again at St Hilda’s Church, Manchester. Maribel assists with the church’s programmes for young people and families and also reaching out to the Spanish-speaking community. University Academy 92 Chaplaincy is a key part of her role now. CHURCH: FAMILIA KAIROS, SANTA CRUZ, BOLIVIA

Jaap and Linda Bezemer

Jaap and Linda with Corné, Helen, Arianne, Jacoline, Richard and Erik, live in Sacha Runa, Shell. Jaap works as a Tropical Medicine specialist with Fundación Misión Cristiana de Salud (Christian Health Mission Foundation). Jaap is one of the leaders of the Diospa Ñanpi church and preaches weekly. Linda leads the youth group and teaches in...

Raquel Lima

Raquel Lima está servindo como Trabalhadora da Juventude e Comunidade na Forefront Community Church em Chard, Somerset, como parte da equipe de Alcance Comunitário. Ela também apoia jovens e crianças lusófonas na cidade e encoraja os jovens de fé a crescer em seu relacionamento com Deus. IGREJA: IGREJA BÍBLICA ÁGAPE, SÃO PAULO, BRASIL MENTOR: TBC

Katy Griggs

Katy is the Latin Link Ecuador Team Leader, based in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Katy is involved with two local projects: Orphaids, where she supports children and teenagers living in the children’s home; and Vida en Abundancia (Life in Abundance), which runs a project for children and young people with learning disabilities and supports...