Where we work
Facts about Costa Rica
Area: 51,100 km.sq.
Climate: Cool to Warm, depending on altitude
Capital: San Jose
Currency: Costa Rican Colón
People: 94% mainly European Descent and Mixed Race, 3% Afro-Colombian, 1% Indigenous, 2% Other Nationalities
Official Language: Spanish
Religion: 92% Christian (15% Evangelical), 8% Other Faiths/None
Geography and climate
Politics and economics
People and society
Religion and the church
Latin Link's work in Costa Rica
Meet our team in Costa Rica
Ian and Brenda live in San José. Ian supports the development of biblical and relevant Christian publishing in Latin America. He coordinates the Letra Viva network of Christian publishers in
Mission opportunities in Costa Rica
To find out more about mission in Costa Rica, please browse our opportunities or contact us.
Education and Training
Costa Rica - digitalmente
Apoyar el equipo de CETI (Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios www.ceticontinental.org ) en ofrecer materias en sus cursos posgrado.
Costa Rica, San Jose
Work with La Cumbre Campamento Cristiano de Adventuras (Christian Adventure Camp) Puedes trabajar con La Cumbre Campamento Cristiano de Adventuras
Costa Rica, Isla de Damas
Develop and run evangelistic camps for young people/children. Desarollar y dirigir campamentos evangeliticos para jóvenes niños.
Care and Social Action
Costa Rica, San Jose
Work with Guardaria Los Angeles, en Desamparados area of San Jose. Daycare centre for children in a marginalized community. Puedes trabajar con Guardaria Los Angeles, en Desamparados de San Jose.
Care and Social Action
Costa Rica, San Jose
Work with 'Face of Justice', an organisation that supports children and young people who are escaping sexual exploitation. Puedes trabajar con ´Rostro de Justicia´, es una organizacion que trabaja con
Education and Training
Costa Rica, San Jose
Work with 'Educación Plus´, running bibles studies, weekly devotionals, sports programs, English classes for children and young people in various marginalized communities. Puedes trabajar con Educación Plus, que ofrece Clubes
Costa Rica, San Jose
Local seminary, ESEPA, are looking to improve their online presence by enhancing/developing their website and online courses. Puedes trabajar con un seminario para mejorar y desarrollar la educación en línea
Education and Training
Costa Rica (San José)
Teach English in projects in marginal communities with the aid of books, games and creative activities.
Costa Rica (San José)
Work in different areas, eg video editing, graphic design, web design.
Costa Rica (Los Guidos, San José)
Help to organize and maintain a small library as well as teaching reading and literacy skills.