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Where we work


Facts about Nicaragua

Population: 5.7 million
Area: 120,254km.sq
Climate: From Cool Coastal and Mountains to Tropical Rainforest
Capital: Managua
Money: Córdoba
People: 87% Ladino (Mixed Race/Spanish), 8% African Descent, 5% Indigenous
Main Language: Spanish
Religion: 91% Christian (20% Evangelical), 9% Other Faiths/None

Geography and climate

Nicaragua is the largest Central American republic but has a relatively low population, particularly on the eastern side of the country towards the Caribbean coast, which has a wetter climate. The mountainous central belt is colder and humid. Hurricane Mitch in 1998 was a traumatic event for Nicaragua when 9000 people died and over 2 million were left homeless, casting a shadow over future development due to the risk of further natural disasters.

Politics and economics

Plentiful natural resources make Nicaragua a potentially wealthy country, but many years of political turmoil and natural disasters such as Hurricane Mitch have had a lasting effect. Dictatorships in the 19th and 20th Centuries were replaced by the leftist Sandinista regime in the 1980s. Governments since have struggled to make progress among the many challenges. Nicaragua rates as the second poorest country in Latin America. It is principally an agricultural economy producing cotton, coffee, sugar cane, bananas, maize and sesame. Livestock farming, fishing and mining also play a part.

People and society

Nicaragua is Spanish speaking with a number of Amerindian minorities and an English speaking community mainly on the Caribbean coast.

Religion and the church

Culturally Nicaragua is Catholic with diverse protestant denominations reaching some 20% of the population.
The team work in community development, job creation and discipleship around Managua.

Meet our team in Nicaragua

Mission opportunities in Nicaragua

There are urgent basic needs such as clean water, electricity and balanced nutrition; hygiene and school education are rarely guaranteed, and opportunities for ground level social action employment training.

Various church based opportunities in training are possible, including through Theological Education by Extension, as are placements with a student outreach and discipleship focus in Nicaraguan universities.

To find out more about mission in Nicaragua, please browse our opportunities or contact us.


Nicaragua, Masaya

Work with Compassion and a local church, with children (between 3 and 18 years old) in extreme poverty. Trabajar con Compassion y una iglesia local con niños (entre 3 y

Education and Training

Nicaragua, Masatepe

Trabajar con Misión Medica San Lucas en apoyar a iglesias locales y organizaciones en capacitacion de líderes y comunidades en la misión integral. Work with St Lukes Medical Mission is

Care and Social Action

Nicaragua (Managua)

Work in the centre run by the Nueva Imagen ministry for women and teenagers at high risk of prostitution.

Education and Training

Nicaragua (Managua)

Work with the church Dios es amor in the slums of Managua and teach English, Arts and Christian values to primary school children.

Care and Social Action

Nicaragua (Jinotepe, Carazo)

Work at the Vida Nueva project that support women who work as prostitutes and their children.

Education and Training

Nicaragua (Diriamba, Masatepe)

Work in a library and learning centre called Semillas, teaching languages, giving homework support, doing crafts with the children and helping out with the administration.

Care and Social Action

Nicaragua (Rivas)

Work in a ministry with children and their mothers who live on the rubbish dump.